The aim of the Derbyshire Partnership Against Rural Crime (DPARC) is to make Derbyshire the safest county and lead the way in preventing and reducing rural crime. Introducing a Partnership Against Rural Crime, together with rural communities, will give Derbyshire’s rural communities one strong voice locally, regionally, and nationally and provide a platform for improvements in rural crime prevention by:
- Providing a voice for rural communities across Derbyshire.
- Improving communication and encouraging increased crime reporting within rural communities.
- Encouraging and collaborating on targeted campaigns by partners to address relevant issues.
The Strategy
In order to achieve this, the Partnership have developed a strategy that outlines the partners’ priority areas and the key ways in which partner agencies across Derbyshire can work together to prevent and raise awareness of rural crime and the support processes in place, as well as improving engagement with rural communities and businesses. It has been produced following robust consultation and engagement with Derbyshire residents and stakeholders and reflects their views and concerns.